“Personally, it’s making me feel like I’m in control as a director.”
Olivia Story shares how Pure Bookkeeping, its systems and community changed her bookkeeping business forever.
Increase in Profit
More Clients
Increase in Confidence
The Beginning
Olivia Story first began her business, Gecko Bookkeeping 10 years ago, and quickly discovered the difficulty in running a business while also raising a young family. Without effective systems in place Olivia was finding it especially challenging to grow her business and achieve her goals. That’s when Olivia decided to join Pure Bookkeeping.
“I felt very unorganised, I saw Pure Bookkeeping as a system that organises and gives you really consistent workflow processes for what we do in our everyday businesses,” she says.
Based in Rochedale, south of Brisbane, Olivia found that her business wasn’t running optimally, nor was it growing even though she was putting in many hours of work. She was sacrificing her personal life for the business, and still she wasn’t reaching her long-term goals.
Olivia knew that she had to make a change.
"I can now onboard confidently and know that I’m actually going to have some good revenue behind each client.”
The Benefits Outweigh the Negatives
After some deliberation, in September 2020, Olivia joined Pure Bookkeeping. She was worried that because she had an experienced team, the onboarding would be difficult due to all the changes, and the need for growth.
However, Pure Bookkeeping has allowed Olivia to streamline her processes and checklists while gaining a consistent system to operate from. She has also been able to scale and grow her business exponentially, as she now has a team of three BAS agents, an admin officer, and a marketing manager.
Olivia initially felt that the HR module and processes had the largest impact on her business. “Having the interview questions and then into that skills test was amazing.”
“I can now onboard confidently and know that I’m actually going to have some good revenue behind each client.”
Embracing a New System
Once you’ve discovered the system that works best for your business, it can be hard to encourage staff to come on board. Olivia found that this was something both herself and her staff members had to work through. Change can be daunting, especially when your staff members have set ways in the way they work, and it’s completely understandable.
Olivia’s advice to combat this is simple: communicate. She says, “you’ve just got to keep communicating through it, and then you can definitely get them on board to come into the system.”
Change to any business can be difficult to navigate, however Olivia was able to implement the new systems quickly and easily through the support that Pure Bookkeeping offered.
Long-term Goals
“My ultimate goal was to have multiple bookkeepers and BAS agents across multiple industries, and to reach that elusive million dollar turn over.”
This was one of Olivia’s goals that she wanted to achieve and knew that it couldn’t be done without change. Another one of Olivia’s goals was to create a legacy, and know that she has helped other businesses out there grow their own businesses. With Olivia’s passion for helping small businesses grow and thrive in their own industries, she was even more motivated to create a successful and streamlined business for herself and her staff.
“I knew that someone had invested a lot of time to build a system that is fool proof, and that I could use all that experience to then scale and grow my business, and finally reach that elusive million dollar turn over.”
Olivia's Advice
Olivia says that she would “highly recommend Pure Bookkeeping to any accountancy firm or bookkeeping firm out there that has a strong will for growth and who wants to scale their business, and I would implement it as early as you can.”
Processes & Systems Implemented

“I would highly recommend Pure Bookkeeping to any accountancy firm or bookkeeping firm out there that has a strong will for growth, and who wants to scale their business. And I would implement it as early as you can.”
Olivia Story, Founding Director, Gecko Bookkeeping
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