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    Pure Bookkeeping License Cancellation Request

    We're sorry to see you go and to start the cancellation process; please complete the form below.

    Before proceeding with the cancellation form, please carefully read the following important information about our cancellation process:

    1. Continuation of Service: Your subscription will remain active until the cancellation process is fully completed, including the signing of the Intellectual Property Disclaimer.

    2. Exit Meeting: As part of our cancellation process, you must meet with a member of our team to discuss your experience, advise you of your options, and ensure a smooth transition. You will be prompted to book your meeting after completing the form below.

    3. Intellectual Property Disclaimer: To protect both parties' interests, we require the signing of an Intellectual Property disclaimer as part of the cancellation process, which will be sent out after the Exit Meeting has been completed.

    4. Pure Workflow: After your cancellation process has been completed, your Pure Workflow account will be deleted and unrecoverable.

    5. Refund Policy: Please note that we have a strict no refund policy. Billing will stop 30 days after the cancellation process is completed.