I’m often asked how to hand over your precious clients to the new bookkeeper on your team. Imagine your business is a dam and you are full to the brim. To release the pressure you have to open the spillway carefully. If you send too much water down into the valley too quickly you risk flooding.
The water recedes as you share the workload. You’re no longer drowning. You close the spillway, continue your marketing and start to fill up again, only this time you don’t fill up to the brim. As soon as the bookkeeper is ready for more work, you open the spillway and hand over more clients. The new bookkeeper takes care of existing clients because you’re familiar with the work and you know how long the job should take. You’re responsible for rescues and new client start-ups. You continue with that process until the bookkeeper says they are almost full. Then you start recruiting again.
As your turnover increases, the amount of bookkeeping hours you do reduces, leaving you more time to work ON your business.