I spend a large part of my week talking to bookkeepers who contact me because they need help. Sometimes I help them create systems in their business to have it run more efficiently. Sometimes they need help with marketing strategies and sometimes their issues are about staff – how to find, test and train them. I know how important it was for me to have my business coach Peter Cook there for me as my business was growing like a rebelling adolescent! For many years his coaching sessions were invaluable as we worked through the same sort of issues that bookkeepers talk to me about today.
But I know that there are bookkeepers out there who haven’t asked for help even though they need it. Why not? I think there are a few reasons:
What I really love about my job is being able to pass on the experience I’ve gained over the past 13 years to other great bookkeepers to help them avoid or resolve issues as they are grow their business.