Have you ever met a person where everything she touched turned into gold?
It seemed like she was always naturally successful.
Even when she had obstacles, she rebounded easily.
What was her secret?
It’s true. There are specific behaviours that set successful people apart from others.
INC.com’s, Rhett Power has an idea of what 6 of them look like and here they are:
1) They are always learning.
With technology and trends constantly changing, new skills and perspectives are necessary. Successful entrepreneurs never say, “That’s the way we’ve always done it.” Instead, they seek ways to do things in new and better ways–and acquire the knowledge to make it happen.
2) They establish clear goals.
Numerous academic studies have shown people achieve more when given specific goals, rather than being encouraged to “do your best.”
People become motivated when they know exactly what is expected...and therefore, achieve more.
3) They manage their time well.
Time management is a challenge for everyone, but entrepreneurs must become especially adept at making the most of their hours. Successful people are efficient. They prioritize their days; delegate whenever possible; limit time on nonessential tasks; and honour their schedules.
4) They have positive attitudes.
It’s not that successful people expect every day to be totally happy. It’s they approach challenges with confidence and the expectation most things can be worked out.
Even a failure can provide lessons and wisdom that will be useful in the future.
5) They create a supportive network.
Trusted friends and colleagues are part of every successful person’s life. From lifelong childhood friends to a group of fellow inventors, people who can respectfully provide feedback and fresh perspectives–or just listen–help keep drama and worry to a minimum. Their network also includes people who are simply enjoyable to be around, for lunch or fishing or a drink after work.
6) They take calculated risks.
Not “go-for-broke” rogues, successful people know they must take chances in order to stay ahead of the competition.
However, they perform analysis; consider the scenarios; and calculate the possible losses before they act. Risk is necessary, but not foolish. And if they make a mistake? They dust themselves off and start anew.
Thank you Rhett for the list.
The thing is if you haven’t experienced the success you want yet, it can still happen and you have the power to make it so.
Remember, the above behaviours can be learned and developed.
You just have to put in the work.
If you do, who knows, maybe people will be referring to you as the person with "the golden touch."
To your success,

Article by Michael Palmer
Michael is the CEO of Pure Bookkeeping, the host of The Successful Bookkeeper podcast and an acclaimed business coach who has helped hundreds of bookkeepers across the world push through their fears and exponentially grow their businesses and achieve the quality of life they've always wanted.
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