You’re hardwired.
Actually, we all are.
Human beings are programmed to want, be and achieve more.
But, according to’s, Scott Hansen, we are failing to see our incredible ability to rapidly manifest our goals into real life.
For some, “manifesting” may seem like an unrealistic concept, but you won’t know unless you give it a chance.
Think about it.
How would you feel knowing that, if you followed a few simple steps, you could literally manifest anything you desired in any area of your life?
That's powerful.
Well, here are Scott's suggestions.
1. Get crystal clear on what you want
So many people never achieve what they desire simply because they are never completely sure on what they actually want. In order to rapidly manifest your desires, you need to get clear on exactly what it is that you want. I’m not talking about broad goal setting here. I’m talking about being crystal clear on every detail associated with what you desire.
Ask yourself right now.
Once you manifest what you desire, what will it specifically look like in your life?
What will it feel like?
How will it change your lifestyle? How will it affect the decisions you make? Be as specific as possible here.
2. Write what you want into existence
This may seem like a lot of hard work, but trust me, it works.
Sit down, and write out exactly what you want to manifest. The key with this is simple but powerful: You need to write out exactly what you desire as if it has already happened. The reasoning behind this is simple: Your unconscious mind does not know the difference behind dreams and realities. So, the faster you can convince your subconscious that the desired result has already manifested, the faster it will show up in your reality.
Answering the following phrase helps: “I am so happy and grateful that _____.”
For example, if the goal is to manifest an additional $5,000 you would write, "I am so happy and grateful that I have received an additional $5,000."
3. Quit worrying about the “how”
This is really important. Step No. 3 is the step that will make or break your manifestation. You need to let go of “how” what you desire will manifest. If you don’t, you won’t create the space for what you desire to show up in your life.
We are naturally wired to plan and want everything to happen specifically to that plan; however, this limits everything to flow and click into your life.
The key is to focus on the end result, and be open to how it will manifest, rather than needing it to manifest in a specific way.
4. Create a massive emotional connection
Every high performer knows and understands that the event with the highest emotional charge is what will show up in your life. You need to be tapping into an emotional peak state whenever you are thinking about what you desire to manifest.
According to Regan Hillyer, author of Be Your Brand, when you are writing out your reality of exactly what you desire, allow yourself to tap into the feeling associated with achieving or receiving what you desire. Notice how good it feels. Double that feeling. Triple that feeling. Make a conscious effort to tap into that feeling as regularly as possible throughout the day.
Ensure that you are not consumed with negative thoughts and emotions throughout your day, otherwise, you will simply manifest more of them.
5. Obsess over it daily
This last step is crucial. Once you are crystal clear about what you desire, you are writing it into existence. You have to let go of how it is going to happen, and you have to develop a strong emotional connection. You need to obsess about what you desire daily. Connecting emotionally with what you desire to manifest once a day isn’t going to cut it.
You need to connect emotionally at least once an hour, during waking hours.
A great way to do this is to set an alarm for every hour that you are awake, and allow yourself to tap into the emotion of having already received what you desire. Then allow everything you desire to naturally show up in your life with ease.
Some of the insights here may seem rather unusual, but if you give them a try, I’m confident you’ll see great results.
Remember, having a high performance mindset simply takes time and consistency.
I encourage you to try it for 30 days and see where it takes you. You're going to like the results.
Scott, thank you for some potentially game-changing information for many bookkeepers.
As you can see, there is a connection between your mindset and success.
What did you think of Scott’s tips?
Which ones will you apply to your life right now?
If you’re struggling in your business and still doing the same old things, it’s time to take a leap and attempt something different.
This might be the turning point you’ve been looking for.
To your success,

Article by Michael Palmer
Michael is the CEO of Pure Bookkeeping, the host of The Successful Bookkeeper podcast and an acclaimed business coach who has helped hundreds of bookkeepers across the world push through their fears and exponentially grow their businesses and achieve the quality of life they've always wanted.
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